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Never Enough (The Enough Series Book 2) Page 9
Never Enough (The Enough Series Book 2) Read online
Page 9
“Oh baby, you are so wet for me.”
“Only for you my love,” I tell him.
He doesn’t say another word. He inserts two fingers and begins to work me relentlessly. That instinctively has my hand job on him go just as furious.
As much as I’m enjoying this I remind myself that I wanted this to be about him and take back the control. I release his cock from my hand and push his hand away from inside of me. I lightly tap him back letting him know I want him to lie back down on the table without pushing him off onto the floor. I straddle myself over him, grab his cock in my hand and lower myself on to him. Feeling full, I toss my head back in pure ecstasy. Jameson groans in pleasure. With my hands on his chest for balance I rock back and forth loving the feel of him inside of me and the pleasure I’m giving him.
“I’ve always wanted to do it on this table. I don’t know why we didn’t do this sooner,” he tells me.
“I guess we were just waiting for the right moment.”
“Grab your tits.”
I do as I’m told and continue to enjoy the ride. I can feel the tingling starting in my feet. I know it’s coming. I drop my hands back to his chest and start rocking faster. Jameson’s breathing is coming in quicker pants. I know he’s right there with me. I lean in closer to him continuing the same pace.
“Oh God Jameson! I’m gonna come!”
Faster … Faster
“Yes baby! Yes! I’m there too.”
Just as quickly his hot release hits me I explode on top of him. Keeping my hands on his chest because it hits me for so long I see stars. I don’t know if it is because we’re on top of the dining room table, the alcohol from earlier or all of the above but that was like no other sex we’ve ever had with each other. We lay connected for another minute. Jameson is still quivering inside of me and I love it.
“What a way to ring in the New Year babe. You continue to amaze me Hillary Michaels.”
“Happy New Year Jameson.”
WE HAVEN’T HAD MUCH for snow yet this winter. I think we’ve had a total of two feet and it’s already February. You know what that means, right? Yup, we are going to get our ass kicked in one big storm. Sitting on the couch on this cold and quiet Sunday morning enjoying my coffee I hear the meteorologist say the word blizzard. Fuck!
“We could see up to thirty inches in just twenty-four hours folks. I know this will bum some of you romantics out who were planning on celebrating Valentine’s Day this Saturday night but you might want to make it an indoor date.”
Jameson is sitting next to me on his work laptop doing required online courses. He gives an irritated chuckle at the weather report.
“Fantastic,” he says in a sarcastic tone. “They are going to want volunteers for this storm in case of outages.”
I give him my best I don’t know what you want me to tell you face.
Just then the house phone starts ringing. I have the cordless phone in front of me and look at the caller id screen on it. It’s Marcie. I hand it to Jameson.
“I can’t right now. I have to get this course done,” he says in a huff.
After the fifth and final ring the answering machine picks up. You’d think Marcie thought we were deaf with the volume level that is coming through our machine.
“Hello Jameson, it’s Ma. I wanted to see what your plans were for Valentine’s Day since you and Hillary blew me off for the New Year’s holiday. We could combine it with my birthday as well. If you forgot, it’s the eighteenth. Call me later dear.”
I can’t believe she expects us to spend Valentine’s Day with her. Is she high? She must be high, because I don’t see how any person would expect their newlywed child to want to spend their first married Valentine’s Day with their fucking mother.
Slowly turning my head like a possessed doll toward Jameson with my mouth wide open unable to speak he looks at me like he was just zapped by an electric fence. I think he’s just as speechless as I am at his mother’s words.
“I … I … I don’t know what the fuck to say,” he admits.
“I think what you’re trying to say is there is no way in hell you will allow us to spend our first married Valentine’s Day with your mother and we’ll plan something for her birthday the following weekend.”
“Yes. That is exactly what I was getting at,” he replies with an exhausted grin.
I feel bad for him. I really do. I understand he’s in a tough spot. He feels like he has obligations towards Marcie being his mother and being an only child puts all of the pressure on him. Then there’s me, his wife. I know he feels obligations towards me, as he should. Then there are all of the fucked up things Marcie has said and done over the years.
Jameson and I were raised in two completely different homes, so we see things differently. If the roles were reversed I would tell Marcie to fuck off. Those reactions come from growing up loveless. Jameson grew up with an abundance of love so he keeps giving and giving because he has a heart full of love. I don’t think we’ll ever see eye to eye on the situation. That is something I have to come to terms with. For now, I’m okay with that. I just pray I continue to be.
The house is clean and groceries have been stocked. I am completely content with continuing this lazy Sunday on the couch with my love in front of the television. It also helps that Jameson has these online courses to catch up on so I can watch as much trash TV as I want.
I’VE ALWAYS LAUGHED at the television shows or movies that show a person bored out of their mind at work bouncing a pencil on a desk or table. Seriously how bad could it be that you’re sitting there watching a pencil bounce? Sadly, I relate at this very moment. I got sucked in to this webinar for work. Thankfully no one can see me. Marianne is off today so I’m all alone in our office. I sent out an email that I’m in a webinar all day and that is why the door is closed. No one will come in. I could easily rest my head on my desk, close my eyes and take an epic nap. The instructor has the same exact voice as Ben Stein. I want to jump in the conversation just to ask him to say “Bueller … Bueller?”
Lily is blowing up my phone with the corniest girls night jokes. I gladly accept her interruption. I know what she’s getting at too. She wants to go out, and I’m all for it. I reply back to her with “Tonight? Just have to check with Jameson.” I get a quick smiley face reply then I send a quick text to Jameson. He replies back just as fast with “As long as that snow storm doesn’t come early. Bevan texted me about going out too.” Oh man, I hope the snow holds out. I really want to go out. I text Lily back with the good word and go back to epic boredom with Ben Stein’s long lost relative. At least it’s Friday, now to just count down the hours of the day.
Regardless of how often I talk or hang out with Lily I always look forward to hanging out with her. The conversations we have when we go out are on the broadest spectrum. We’ll start off with house taxes and end up talking about Brazilian waxes. We should video tape it one time and put it on YouTube. People would think we’re crazy.
It worked out perfect that Bevan texted Jameson about hanging out too. Lily and Bevan drove over to our house together. I hopped in Lily’s car with her and Bevan joined Jameson. We agreed to text our significant others later to when we’d be back home, and we were off.
Bevan and Jameson said they were going to Hooters to eat wings and watch the MMA fight. They conveniently left out the outrageous breasts on the waitresses they would be gawking at but whatever. I know mine are better so I don’t care. Lily and myself decided to try out the new Puerto Vallarta in town. We heard good things about the food but even better things about the margaritas.
Lily and I are having a great time at dinner. Our waiter either truly enjoys our sense of humor and lack of a filter or he thinks we’re on drugs and is the one humoring us. What can I say? We’re fun to be around.
“Are we getting dessert? I really want dessert. No, I need dessert. Preferably chocolate,” Lily admits.
“I’m kind of full but if you wan
t to order something I’ll take a bite.”
“I’m totally PMS-ing and have lost all control of food intake. We’re always on the same schedule. Aren’t you too?”
I stop to think about what she just said for a minute. She’s right. For about the last year we’ve always been on the same schedule. I haven’t gotten my period yet. Holy fuck!
Lily studies my face momentarily and it clicks with her just as it does with me.
“Oh-My-Fucking-God Hillary!”
“Oh-My-God Lily! I can’t remember if I even got my period last month. What am I going to do?”
“We’re gonna eat some fucking cake then go to the store to buy twenty-five boxes of pregnancy tests and take them back to your house.”
I love how she can always add in a joke to calm my nerves before I have a total fucking break down.
Lily and I charge in to a local CVS store like raging bulls on crack. I see condoms on an end cap and immediately walk towards them assuming pregnancy tests couldn’t be too far away. I slowly make my way down the aisle with Lily by my side. Finally, at the very end of the aisle there they are, staring at me, mocking me in their cardboard boxes.
“Damn, there are a lot of different ones to choose from,” Lily realizes.
“Which one do I get?”
“Shit, let’s get one of each. Better to be safe than sorry.”
“I don’t have that much money Lily. Look at the price of these tests. I’ll grab an EPT, First Response and this one here down on the bottom shelf, Clearblue Advanced.”
I can’t believe this is happening. I’m freaking out. What do I say to Jameson if he’s home? If he’s not home should I wait for him to take these tests? What if he stays out late? I can’t just sit here and stare at these boxes. I need answers.
I end up spending the drive home breathing in and out of Lily’s Dunkin Donuts bag she left in her car from her breakfast. I can’t believe I actually started hyperventilating. I can’t believe I want a donut now.
When we pull in to my driveway we notice Jameson’s car is there and all of the lights on in the house. Internally I keep repeating “Oh Fuck” in my head. Lily puts her car in park, shuts the ignition off and immediately grabs ahold of my left hand that I can’t stop patting on my leg.
“Hillary, stop freaking out. Everything is going to be fine. If these tests come out positive this will be a good thing. You were devastated about your miscarriage. Whether Jameson ever admitted out loud to anyone or not, he was too. This could be a celebration tonight.”
I look at her with tears in my eyes and nod. Taking a deep breath I reach for the door handle, step out of the car and head in to the house.
One foot in the door and Jameson and Bevan’s laughter is erupting throughout the house. I turn to my left to peak in to the living room and find the two of them watching the movie Dumb and Dumber. That movie is so fucking stupid.
“Hey ladies. How was your night?” Jameson asks.
Still holding my breath because I’m freaking the fuck out Lily answers for me with a simple “good.”
Jameson can tell something is up. He gives me that look that he’s asking questions without any words actually forming with his fucking eyebrow raised. Man I wish I could do that.
“What’s going on? Why do you two seem nervous? Did you get drunk and hit another mailbox?”
“Ugh, no, and stop bringing up the past.” I respond sternly.
“Then what the fuck is up with you two?”
“Babe, it’s time to go home,” Lily shouts from behind me.
“No! Please stay,” I beg.
Bevan shuts off the television when he catches on that some serious shit is going on. Just then Jameson stands up from the couch and stalks towards me.
“You’re scaring me. What’s going on?” He asks, taking my hands in his.
I stand there in front of him like a stoned face statue, holding my breath. I can’t speak. I open and close my mouth but nothing comes out. I’m scared. I’m scared of his reaction. If I’m being honest with myself I’m scared of my own reaction. No matter what the test result is, I think I’ll cry.
“Hillary!” He shouts at me grabbing my shoulders and jostling me out of my trance.
“I’m late.”
“Your late?”
“As in my period late, like a good month.”
“Holy shit dude.” Bevan blurts out from the back of the room.
“Ssh.” Lily whispers while swatting Bevan on the back of the head.
I admit it made me giggle.
“How long have you known this?” He asks with a lost look in his eyes that has me worried.
“Just tonight. I didn’t realize, it came up in conversation at dinner with Lily actually. She’s the one who pointed it out as a matter of fact.”
“Oh, phew.”
“Phew? My God Jameson. Did you honestly think I would keep something like this from you? Is that why you had that look on your face?” I ask with tears springing to my eyes, saddened to think he would think so little of me.
“I didn’t want to think that but … I don’t know … so are you … pregnant?”
“I don’t know. We just stopped at the store on the way home and bought a bunch of tests.” I point showing him the bag.
“Alright, let’s go pee on some sticks.” Bevan blurts out from the back of the room again.
“Shut up Bevan. We are going home to let them do this alone.” Lily scolds Bevan.
“No! I shout. “Please stay with us. You two are our closest friends.”
I look to Jameson and he nods in agreement. We turn back to Lily and Bevan and they nod back at us.
We all march in to the kitchen, load up on beverages until I feel like my bladder is going to burst so I can pee on all of these test sticks.
For thirty minutes I chug as much liquid as I can take and then the urge to pee hits me full force. I jump up and announce to the room ‘it’s time to pee’ so they all start clapping. I run to the bathroom with Lily right behind me with the bag of tests.
“Tell me again why I get the shitty part of this experience? I get to man handle your urine infested pee sticks while Jameson gets to read the results with you.” Lily snarks.
Her comments make me laugh so hard I pee on my hand. I shake it off, hand it to her still laughing. She looks at me with utter disgust but takes it from me none the less because that’s what best friends do.
“You’re fucking gross Hillary. You’re lucky I love you.”
“Coming from the girl who called me in to her bathroom when you were trying to shave your vagina to look like a flower for Bevan, but messed up and asked for my help to fix it?” I remind her, still laughing.
“Alright, you got me there. We’re even.”
I’ve peed on all six tests. Hands are washed and now we’re sitting in the living room watching the clock.
Ten minutes have passed. No one is talking. The four of us are sitting in the living room. The television is on but no one is watching it. Bevan is bouncing his feet. Lily is twirling her hair. Jameson is cracking his neck and knuckles. I’m in a trance, staring blankly at the wall trying to ignore the thoughts running in my head.
I know they’re ready to be looked at but I can’t get myself to look. I’m scared. I’m scared of how I’ll feel no matter whether it says positive or negative. I’m scared of Jameson’s reaction.
“Let’s go.” Jameson says standing up with his hand reached out for mine.
I take his hand, leaving Bevan and Lily in the living room. For a room that is only fifty feet away it feels like it is miles away. Am I walking in slow motion? My feet feel like I’m walking through thick mud. I know Jameson is just as nervous as I am. His palm is sweating in my hand just as much as mine in his.
Standing in the door way of the bathroom we stop, staring at the tests lined up on the sink where Lily left them. Neither of us looking when we walked out. Jameson squeezes my hand, looks at me with a scared,
tight lipped grin. To reassure me? I don’t know. To tell me no matter what everything will be okay? I wish I knew.
He takes the first step forward, sweaty palm to sweaty palm I follow. We stand in front of the bathroom sink but not so close that we can see the results in the tiny windows. I’ve never been so scared in my life to find out a test result, not even my SAT’s. I swear I can hear my heart beating in the silence.
“Do you want me to look first or do it together?” Jameson asks in a barely audible tone.
“Together,” I tell him.
He nods in agreement.
One step. Two step. Three step.
Look down.
All six tests the same.